Farewell to Shakespeare

I just posted a new mini-album of songs written by Scerinda for her school Shakespeare productions in 2022 and 2023: Scerinda Johnson – Farewell to Shakespeare. She sent me her compositions written in MuseScore, and I ran them through my studio and added guitars and basses where needed to produce the final recordings. These songs have a variety of moods and intensities, which makes for a nice listening experience.

The crazy over-compressed guitar in “Life Is Great” was played on my trusty Ibanez AM53. That song was my first one to use a sidechain compressor on the master bus to make the whole song throb with the four-on-the-floor bass drum.

I particularly like the “Mutant Courtroom Fight,” which is probably the best fight song Scerinda has written.

“Curtain Call from Ephesus” was the first recording to feature my Ibanez ASB140 Artcore semi-hollow bass, which plays both the bass and lead parts in the song.

The “Brawl in Ephesus” and “Cat Fight” are actually the same composition with different tempos. I don’t remember whose idea it was to add the cat sounds, but it worked.

I hope you enjoy these songs. Again, go here to listen. You can find our previous album of Shakespeare songs here.


writing: https://medicineandfaith.com music: https://sanderson.band

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