La Guitarra Cantante

lyrics by Lori Sanderson, music by Tom Sanderson

Había una mujer
cual nombre no sabemos
Ella trabajaba
Come su guitarra tocaba
Y su guitarra
dulcemente cantaba

Ella y su guitarra cantaban
Como las estrellas el cielo brillaban

Y La voz de ella
sonaba como los angeles
Y sus ojos eran de color
azules con gris

Ella y su guitarra cantaban
Como las estrellas el cielo brillaban

Ella la enviaba
a su correo electronico
Invitaciones a differente fiestas
El decideo casarse con ella
Desde del primer dia que lo vio

Ella y su guitarra cantaban
Como las estrellas el cielo brillaban

About the Song

Lori wrote the lyrics in Spanish (she is fluent) about the experience of meeting me, except it is told from the perspective of a man who meets a woman. Lori had some outside help on grammer from her friend Erika.

After Lori finished her lyrics, I was asked to add some music. Initially, I considered trying music in either norteño or tejano music style, both of which I’d never successfully attempted. When I looked at the words, I thought them a bit mysterious and I thought that lent itself to bossa nova better, which I have a touch more experience in. I know that traditionally bossa nova is sung in Portugese, but Lori is fluent in Spanish and I feared using a translation application for poetry applications – better for phrases than poems.

I sequenced much of the song on the FA-06 and added vocals and a guitar later. It was difficult for me to get the pronunciation correct – please be gentle with your critique as I haven’t sang much in Spanish language before and only speak a little bit.

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2 thoughts on “La Guitarra Cantante

    1. Thanks! It’s somewhat biographical (albeit from a male perspective), so in that sense we will find out at the same time. — Tom


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